On Saturday evening , March 8, 2008, Chattanooga area supporters of the American Lung Association of Tennessee will once again enjoy an evening of great food, wonderful auction items and a fantastic dance band. Presented by Kindred Hospital , the dinner benefits the American Lung Association's life saving Pulmonary Disease research and educational programs in Tennessee.

Event Chairs, for this year’s Egyptian-themed “FunRaiser”, will be Dr. and Mrs. Marc Cromie. Partygoers will gather at the Tennessee National Guard Armory off I-24 starting at 7:00 p.m. for cocktails and a silent auction, followed by dinner and a live auction.

In keeping with the Egyptian theme…Dress will be Casually Sheik – (no jeans) for the evening.

Entertainment for the evening will be presented by the increasingly popular and exciting “funky” group from Nashville- “Here Come the Mummies” starting at 9:30 p.m. playing until 11:30 p.m. Check them out at their web site-


Sponsorships and individual reservations for the event are still being accepted for the event. For preferred seating, please call the American Lung Association of Tennessee office at 423-629-1098 or check our web site www.lungtn.org to make reservations.

Photo via herecomethemummies.com.

Event details via the American Lung Association of TN and chattanoogahasfun.com