Passion Flower, a multimedia performance, will be shown at Barking Legs Theater, Thursday through Saturday, March 6th through 8th at 8 p.m.

Passion Flower is a short documentary by Jarrod Whaley. The film deals with dancer Ann Law's decision, after having been diagnosed with breast cancer and having undergone a double mastectomy, to have her chest tattooed instead of being fitted with prostheses or submitting to reconstructive surgery.

The film, though it stands on its own as a complete work, will be screened as part of a multimedia presentation on Ann's way of dealing with her cancer; the presentation will include this documentary, a dance piece choreographed and performed by Ms. Law herself, and an exhibition of photographs by Virginia Webb.

This event is presented in conjunction with Passion Flower, an exhibit of documentary photographs by Virginia Webb opening Friday, March 7 from 5:00-7:00 pm at In Town Gallery. The opening is free and the show will run through the end of the month. Proceeds from a silent auction will benefit Y-ME Chattanooga.
(Virginia Webb's exhibit is featured & listed separately on

For more information, please call the phone number or visit the website provided.

Photo and event info. provided by and